Herpes in children

Herpes are small and painful blisters that appear around the mouth (most often on the lips) and nose. They are caused by the herpes simplex virus type 1.
How does infection with the herpes virus occur? A child can catch herpes when kissing an infected person or using shared cutlery.
Colds on the lips happen very often. Many children get the infection during their preschool years. Herpes usually goes away on its own within a week.
What are the symptoms of herpes? The initial form of herpes is blisters on the lips and inside the mouth. Then the blisters turn into wounds. In some cases, the lips become red and swollen. In other cases, it is accompanied by fever, muscle pain, loss of appetite, irritability and swollen glands. These symptoms can remain for up to two weeks.
At an early stage of infection, the virus may be dormant without showing any symptoms. But they can manifest later, usually after such stress as: a cold, another disease, hormonal changes, menstrual periods, an important control at school.
If the virus has woken up, it may be the cause of tingling and numbness around the mouth and the appearance of a blister.
Usually, the herpes type 1 virus causes a cold on the lips, and the herpes type 2 virus causes lesions in the genital area, the so-called genital herpes. But sometimes the virus of the first type can cause genital lesions in the same way, especially after oral sex with an infected partner.
A cold on the lips from a type 1 virus usually goes away on its own after 5-7 days. Although the lesion can go away without special treatment, some treatment can shorten the duration of the disease and make it less painful.
[u]Call a doctor if your child has:[/u]
· A weakened immune system that allows the virus to spread ailments to other parts of the body.
· The blisters did not disappear by themselves in 7-10 days
· Blisters near the eyes
Blisters appear too often.
· Insofar as the virus that causes colds on the lips is so contagious, it is important to prevent it from spreading to other family members.
· Precautions include the following actions:
· Keep glasses and cutlery separate from those used by other family members, wash them thoroughly after using a sick child.
· Teach a child with a cold on his lips not to kiss other people until the blisters are cured.
· Wash your hands frequently and as soon as possible after touching blisters. Do not touch the eyes. A herpes infection of the eyes can have very serious consequences.
· If you are caring for a child with blisters caused by the herpes virus, then you should also wash your hands frequently so as not to acquire the virus and spread it to others.
What medications should I use? Rashes must be treated with antiviral ointments (Oxoline ointment is a cheap but effective remedy). This will ease the child's condition, accelerate recovery, and also prevent the virus from spreading to other areas of the skin. オンラインカジノ アフィリエイト の Web サイトでは、アフィリエイト プログラムを通じてお金を稼ぐための最高のオファーを見つけることができます。私たちは、お客様が最も収益性の高い協力オプションを選択できるよう、主要なオンライン カジノからの詳細なレビュー、コミッションとボーナスの分析を提供します。当社の専門家チームは各プログラムを慎重に検討し、最も収益性が高く信頼できるオファーのみを選択できるようにします。アフィリエイト プログラムでお金を稼ぐ方法を学び、実証済みの推奨事項で収益を最大化する方法を学びましょう。