Spondyloarthrosis of the lumbosacral spine - symptoms and treatment

Time is merciless, nothing can remain unchanged forever. In the same way, it does not spare a person. With each passing year, all the structures of our body gradually wear out. This process cannot be stopped, especially noticeable changes in the back and spine. He suffers first of all. And if you don't keep an eye on him, disaster can happen very early. We ourselves, without knowing it, help arthrosis of the intervertebral joints to take over our spine as early as possible.Treatment of osteoarthritis of the joints of the spine is a very complex process that can last a long time.It's no secret what kind of load our spinal column carries, from the first days, as soon as a person starts walking. And everyone knows that the lumbar region suffers the most. And the treatment of osteoarthritis of the joints of the spine is a long and complex process that often does not bring the desired result. One of the most unpleasant and most common diseases of the musculoskeletal system is spondyloarthrosis of the lumbosacral region.The causes of development are an insidious disease that overtakes a person slowly and inevitably. It develops gradually and at the time of the first symptoms, it actually took over the joints in full force:One of the reasons for the development of this disease is sedentary work. - The development of the disease is facilitated by sedentary work and a sedentary lifestyle, dysplasia of the development of the spine, lumbarization or sacralization, violation of symmetry in the arrangement of arched joints.- It begins with changes in the cartilaginous tissues of the intervertebral joints.- Cartilage loses its elasticity and firmness, and as a result it becomes thinner.- Thin, inelastic cartilage cannot prevent bone damage.- Bone formations grow on the vertebrae, thyroid-shaped with sharp edges.- A person instinctively tries to take the load off the diseased area, transferring it to healthy areas.- Because of this, the gait changes, the structure of one or both feet is disrupted.- And only at this stage do the first symptoms of spondyloarthrosis appear in the lumbar, cervical and sacral regions. They can be described in one word - pain. The only difference is in their nature and localization.Symptomopathological changes occurring with the development of the disease lead to degeneration of the arched joints and intervertebral discs. And they, in turn, gradually hit:- muscles;- ligaments;- tendons;- spinal nerves and spinal roots.This whole chain responds with pain in the lower back, constraining movement, and spreading to the buttocks and back of the thighs. Aching, constant pain, aggravated by bending or turning the trunk. After being forced to stay still for a while, the sharp pain does not allow you to move until you do several stretching exercises.One of the symptoms that indicates the disease is back pain when turning.If you notice even mild symptoms, do not delay your visit to the doctor. An early visit to the vertebrologist will save you from unnecessary problems.Effective treatment methods To date, several effective methods of treating spondyloarthritis have been developed. But none of them will bring the desired result if you do not follow a few simple rules:- Train yourself to keep your back straight. It will be very hard at first, but it will get easier over time. It is better to start posture correction from the wall. Stand with your back to her so that your heels, buttocks, shoulders and the back of your head touch. Try to remember the position of the body, and periodically, throughout the day, take the correct posture.- When sitting on a chair, armchair or sofa, be sure to put a hard pillow or cushion under your back.- This will make the lumbar spine stay straight, and not injure sore joints.- Provide yourself with a hard bed. It is enough to put a board under the mattress. The pillow should be rigid and flat. Such measures are necessary to ensure that compression of the discs does not accidentally occur at night, which will lead to muscle tension.- When doing housework, wear an orthopedic belt. It will help weakened muscles to support the spine.The standard treatment regimen includes a course of painkillers, antispasmodics and muscle relaxants to relieve pain. The next step is traction therapy (stretching of the damaged area), massage and physiotherapy. It is possible to prescribe a course of reflexology (acupuncture). And at the final stage, therapeutic gymnastics and classes in the pool are mandatory.After the first stage of treatment comes the second, massage.All procedures are prescribed only by a doctor, and are carried out under his supervision. But you can help your spine by adding folk remedies, in consultation with the doctor.The collection of rosehip fruits, lingonberry leaves and black currant has anti-inflammatory and analgesic effects. You need to brew it like tea, and drink two glasses a day.Powdered willow bark, birch leaves and black elderberry flowers, and added to the massage cream, will double the effect of therapeutic massage.And most importantly, to consolidate the results of treatment, this is gymnastics for the spine in case of spondyloarthritis. Exercises should be performed daily, even if you feel better.An example of gymnastic exercises to strengthen the back muscles:- Standing on the floor, feet shoulder-width apart, hands on your sides. Slowly bending to one side, raise the opposite arm up. Then in the other direction.- Sitting on a chair, stretch your legs forward without lifting your heels off the floor. We slowly lean forward, trying to reach the feet with our hands, without bending our knees. Do the bends as much as you can, do not overexert your back.- Lying on the floor, put the roller under the lower back. Slowly pull your bent knees up to your chest, and then slowly lower your feet to the floor. You need to perform for three breaths and exhalations.Try to train yourself to keep your back straight, watch your weight, and exercise regularly. Then you can reduce the likelihood of getting sick. オンライン カジノで 入金不要ボーナス を獲得し、投資なしでプレイを始めましょう。最も人気のあるスロット、ルーレット、テーブル ゲームをプレイして、リアルマネーを獲得するチャンスを掴みましょう。運を試して、カジノであらゆる瞬間を楽しんでください。私たちは、自分のお金を投資することなく興奮と勝利を体験できるユニークな機会を提供します。